Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Social Media Revolution

Watch this cool video on the social media revolution.


  1. Annie T- Descriptive Paragraph
    As a small blonde haired girl cautiously steps out of the dimly lit changing room, her eyes are blinded by the sun. After blinking a few times she discovers hundreds of people scattering around the desk like ants running for food. The scorching heat beats down on the young girl's opaque face as she steps out onto the solid concrete deck. All around her is blue. Blue sky, blue slides and luscious blue water. The little girl made out two parts to this massive area. One section was gated off as if to keep the younger children from entering the second area. The second area was less populated with small slides and waterfalls. There, children were falling into the water like rocks plop into a pond. As she walks toward the water's edge, she hears the lifeguards whistle blare through the constant chatter of all the people. She takes a running leap and falls like a feather soaking herself in the ice cold water. As she rises, she feels the intense sun rays upon her face; she is pulled under again.

    A descriptive story I really liked was Megan A because she didn’t have to say where she in her story but it was but it was easy to tell. She also had a lot of good similes (the party was like a hurricane), personification and descriptive language.

  2. Annie T- Descriptive Paragraph
    As a young girl cautiously steps out of the dimly lit changing room, her eyes are blinded by the sun. After blinking a few times she discovers hundreds of people scattering around the desk like ants running for food. The scorching heat beats down on the small girl's opaque face as she steps out onto the solid concrete deck. All around her is blue. Blue sky, blue slides and luscious blue water. The little girl made out two parts to this massive area. One section was gated off as if to keep the younger children from entering the second area. The second area was less populated with small slides and waterfalls. There, children were falling into the water like rocks plop into a pond. As she walks toward the water's edge, she hears the lifeguards whistle blare through the constant chatter of all the people. She takes a running leap and falls like a feather soaking herself in the ice cold water. As she rises, she feels the intense sun rays upon her face; she is pulled under again.

    A descriptive story I really liked was Megan A because she didn’t have to say where she in her story but it was but it was easy to tell. She also had a lot of good similes (the party was like a hurricane), personification and descriptive language.

  3. Shannon A-Descriptive Paragraph
    The people flocked in through the two tiny gates, clad in green, gold, and white. As their feet pound the concrete, smells from the concessions edge them onward into the sun-doused stands. Crisp, freshly-cut grass does cartwheels in the light breeze, dancing around the field. It will soon be trodden on by marching hornets and the much-anticipated main event. Our boys take the field and the city goes wild; greeting them with cheers, shrieks, and a rousing rendition of the school song. Like two opposing currents, one team crashes into the other, and the game has begun. Pride emanates from the stands for their hometown heroes.

  4. Shannon A-Descriptive Paragraph
    The people flocked in through the two tiny gates, clad in green, gold, and white. As their feet pound the concrete, smells from the concessions edge them onward into the sun-doused stands. Crisp, freshly-cut grass does cartwheels in the light breeze, dancing around the field. It will soon be trodden on by marching hornets and the much-anticipated main event. Our boys take the field and the city goes wild; greeting them with cheers, shrieks, and a rousing rendition of the school song. Like two opposing currents, one team crashes into the other, and the game has begun. Pride emanates from the stands for their hometown heroes.

    I really enjoyed reading Annie's story. Although I'm not exactly a fan of the Edina Pool... I loved her language.

  5. Kami H- Descriptive Paragraph
    She walked with heat of summer surrounding her, then touched the cold handle to open the door. The sweet smell of the ice cream traveled and spread accross the room until it reached her. The sweet sugar cones patiently awaited for someone to come take them away. A small child recieved a cone filled with ice cream as a young girl recieves a puppy on her birthday. As she wached people walking away with a little pieces of heaven, she craved it more and more. Finally, she walked up and cought a strawberry ice cream cone.

    I liked reading Shannon's story because it was very detailed and made me feel like I was actually at the game.

  6. Ashley E- Descriptive Paragraph
    As I walk through the rattling gates, I find my nose filled with the smell of buttery popcorn, sweet candy, and steaming hot chocolate. The excitement pulls me into the stands and doesn't allow me to sit on the ice-cold bleachers. All around, vivid green and white surrounds me. The game begins and the crowd roars like the waves on the sea, stamping their feet like angry bulls. Everyone blends together into one. The wind whips my face and shouts with the crowd. We are one. We won.

    I also liked Annie T's paragraph, because I enjoyed her descriptions and the use of her vocabulary. My favorite line in it was, "She takes a running leap and falls like a feather soaking herself in the ice cold water." I thought that was a really good example of a simile.

  7. Jackson C
    Descriptive paragraph
    The lights turned on, illuminating the entire field, so bright that if stared at for a brief second, large, vibrant circles the colors of the rainbow would appear. Walking out, the dirt is slightly caked, with tiny indents where players had shuffled before. A man is setting up the foul lines, the whitest color ever seen. The fields of grass had a slight whiff of rain, and looked like a freshly mowed lawn. The entire team runs out to their positions as he walks slowly to the giant mound of dirt in the middle. He picks up the rosin bag, toys with it a little and looks as it stares back at him. He tosses it once, twice, then puts it back to the ground as he grips the baseball.

    I liked Shannon's story because had great use of imagery, and I could see in my mind exactly what was happening. I also really liked the language usage, with words like "shrieks" and "rousing rendition"

  8. Dan Davila-

    Tap, tap, tap. My feet resonated like gongs as i walked into the atrium. It was 8:40. I was late. I passed the attendance desk and briskly walked toward the stairs. The cold hand railing surprised me as i began to ascend. At the summit i was greeted by the overcoming sent of sweat spewing out of the gym. I walked into the first hallway where every class room spoke loudly of plans for the weekend. As i entered the cafeteria, me feet echoed even louder. When i neared the deserted lunch line, my nostrils were attacked by the smell of greasy undercooked food. I quickened my pace. My class was in the next hallway. MY shoes seemed to cary me as i flew down the hallway and to my classroom door. The second the door became ajar i was overcome with stares. I walked in hesitantly. When the coast was clear i made my way to my desk with the upmost caution.

    I liked J-colt's (Jackson colton) story because he used great descriptive language. He described something so simple in such a creative way. The metaphors and similes created a vivid image in my head.

  9. P.S. Ashley E's was also amazing....

  10. Taylor W.- Descriptive Paragraph
    The burritos filled the room with the aroma of meat and flat tortillas. The tortilla presser clinked up and down slowly pressing my soon to be lunch into, while I was moving fluidly from the salsa station to the meat. $6.00 even was the total. I grabbed my food as if I hadn't eaten in days, with the intense smell of food taking over my body. I walked to find an open table being tortured by the wait to find one in this popular Edina place. Finally I sat, opening the silver wrap, while catching the whiff of Barbacoa beef mixed with warm rice, these ingredients dancing in anticipation for my 1st bite. I walked out with the sense of satisfaction and the question how did I eat this gigantic thing?

    I liked Jackson C. descriptive paragraph because he used really good descriptive language, and I could almost see myself in the scene he was describing. In addition, his story was very creative and easy to understand without giving away what he was talking about. He also had great use of sensory imagery and figurative language.

  11. Usman Mian

    A large place where many minds gather. Chatting about there life or the subjects that just werent worth taking. Knowledge is on both sides and the heavenly smell of food comes from below. A window of art waiting like a animal at the zoo to be stared at. A place where kids relax and take a moment to sort out there thoughts and take a break from there strenous day.

    I like Jackson's paragraph because it gives a good picture as to what hes explaining.

  12. Mikey L- Descriptive paragraph
    The fresh smell of the early morning filled the air, as the moist ground squished under their feet. They arrived early, for they knew the early bird catches the worm. They were wise, and many years past their prime. The enraged birds are forced to flee, to let them walk "the land near the water." Strategies flow through their minds as they approach their first of eighteen challenges. They have gathered all their supplies to pass the trees, sand and water. They set out through the pampered forest and had their long competitive round ahead of them.

    I enjoyed jackson's paragraph because of how descriptive and colorful he made a baseball field appear to be.

  13. A sea of white consumes me like a fire as I walk down the hallway. Suddenly, as if an angel appeared from heaven, a glorious sound embraced my ears. As I walked into the bright room that was filled with sunshine, I noticed three fourths of the school's western oriental gentlemen and women congregated around a teacher, listening intently. With the brisk lift of her hand, the students suddenly grew an inch, with the exception of the students who had a lemon tint. It was as if the plants were given fertilizer. The music continued with an ever growing sense of livelihood.\

    I liked Annie's because it paints a vivid picture of the Edina pool. The description was thorough, but doesn't outright tell you where the girl is.

  14. The rat scurried along a shiny white floor. Its coolness refreshed his tired bare feet. Meanwhile, the sweet aroma of eggrolls and fried rice dragged him, over hills, to a new room filled with giants. Sensing danger, the rat immediately dashed under a hollow tower with four legs and there he feasted on a fragment of a cookie. Above, there was noisy laughter and the occasional yelp, but none of this bothered the mouse as he continued to munch happily on his meal. Suddenly, a leg came crashing down as lovers were playing footsie. The tiny rat ran for his life, yielding screams from the female giants; he dashed down the hallway and up the giant pyramid. Just when he though it was safe, Mr. Hoffman round the corner…

    I like Mikey's paragraph because he gave a detailed description of what the bird was thinking.

  15. Keagan P hour 2

    I found myself in the clean night air, breathing deeply. Stretched out across the forgiving sponge, beneath me with it's coarse and crinkly cover which gave any movement the amplified voice of waterproof fabric rubbing against itself. The night was pure and clear, not a cloud dared cast itself across the dark expanse that we call the night sky. Stars radiating hopes and happiness as well as shedding unfamiliar shadows across this normally well known scene. The yellow uprights above me forever reaching above me toward the unobtainable stars, always falling short of what they'd hoped. Laying next to and angel, beaming beside me, a second light in this massive black world an oddity to all those around. As sleep crept it's way up my limbs like a parade of ants marching across my skin my last thought was one of hope, happiness and peace. As warmth passed and radiated through every pore of my body i felt a floating sensation lifting the weight from my chest and I was once again able to breath, without a care in the world. Because nothing else mattered.

    I like Ivan's paragraph because I could see everything he described. the images left fresh footprints across my mind because of their vivid nature. I feel like I was there looking back on it even though it was just something I read.

  16. Maggie A- Descriptive Paragraph
    As I enter, I hear the loud white noise that is constantly being made by all the kids crowding the tables. People are leaving and just arriving, so i fight my way through the horde of insanity to get in line. I walk in and am immediately shocked by all the smells wafting towards me from the ovens and counter tops. On every surface I see food, drenched in a nasty layer of grease. The smells all mix together to create a strange aroma. I stand in a line that seems never-ending, get my food of choice and then work my way to the cash register. As I go to sit at my usual table, I scan the room and see people surrounding me on all sides, some sit alone and some with friends. They talk animatedly as they shove various foods into their mouths. Some focus on the task at hand and eat their meals without a word, others take forever to finish as they catch up with their friends that they haven't seen since 3rd hour! They eat like famished wolves and babble on like an endless brook.

    I like Leon's paragraph because it is very descriptive and describes all the rats actions in detail. It's also very funny and well-written.

  17. Lizzy Otten - Hour 2
    Every summer this is where I spend my days, my body is like a turkey on Thanksgiving, slowly being rosted in the oven. All around me the sound of children screaming and splashing fills my ears. When the kids run by and get my friends and I wet we are enraged, but just then the cold sweet smell of lemonaid hits our noses. After the scorching heat of the summer time finally gets to us, we justp in the water, causing angry volcanoes to erupt all around us.

    I really enjoyed Leon's paragraph because of all the interesting words he used such as aroma, scurried, and dashed. I liked these because they aren't just normal words, like smell, ran, and sprinted.

  18. Lizzy Otten - Hour 2
    ***i meant jump, instead of justp

  19. Jamie Jones- Descriptive Paragraph
    The sun welcomes me into the bright light with its warm arms. As I walk further down those extensive stairs the sweat of the athletes hits me. I'm relieved as my foot touches the soft, green grass. My hear leaps with joy as the breeze blows by. My body screams for help as the other player's body hits me. The pain is overwhelming, like the feeling of having the air knocked out of you. The sound of the last whistle makes me relax, the game is over. My body begins to yell with fear, there is no other way up.

    I like Usman's paragraph because I can picture the commons and all the people relaxing there during lunch. I also like how he talked about the art being like an animal at the zoo, I thought that was creative.

  20. Kali Kanwar- Descriptive Paragraph
    The fiery aroma of cinnamon challenges the bitterness of brewing coffee to create an ambience of perfection. Losing myself in the battle against temptation, I feel the cinnamon rolls clasp their beguiling fingers around my mind, blinding me of my rationality. Energy vanishes around me as the bustling crowd seems to materialize in the blistering sip of a café mocha sliding down my throat. I know I shouldn’t have bought it, so why doesn’t guilt creep through my veins as a spider should creep along its web? Immersing myself in the ooey gooey icing I feel my spirit fly high to the heavens before hitting the cement of reality in an explosion of gratitude and addiction. Opening before me, each kiosk seems to present itself with merchandise calling my name through textured waves of dancing colors. It’s not exactly a rude awakening…

    I really like Leon's paragraph because of how he used uncommon words such as 'munch' and 'scurried' which added to the humor. I also thought the whole idea he used was very original.

  21. Claire Hughes- The fresh scent of fruit fills the air as you open the two doors between huge glass windows. The sound of voices and blenders fill your ears with energy. With the whole menu in front of your eyes you begin to feel thirsty, like a cactus in the desert. The bright, happy colors cheer up your mood, like the sun on a hot summer day. Deciding what you want to order is a hard decision because the fruit all sit there calling your name, making you want more. Leaving there might be hard but in the end you are refreshed with a cold, yummy smoothie.

    I enjoyed Lizzy's paragraph because i could just imagine pictures in my mind. Also i liked it because she used very descriptive and creative words.

  22. Claire Hughes- The fresh scent of fruit fills the air as you open the two doors between huge glass windows. The sound of voices and blenders fill your ears with energy. With the whole menu in front of your eyes you begin to feel thirsty, like a cactus in the desert. The bright, happy colors cheer up your mood, like the sun on a hot summer day. Deciding what you want to order is a hard decision because the fruit all sit there calling your name, making you want more. Leaving there might be hard but in the end you are refreshed with a cold, yummy smoothie.

    I enjoyed Lizzy's paragraph because i could just imagine pictures in my mind. Also i liked it because she used very descriptive and creative words.
